On Sunday, May 19th from 3:00 to 5:00pm

City of Refuge Church, 3150 Yellowstone Blvd, Houston, TX 77054

Please RSVP by May 15th

  • Play multiple Bingo games with a time to hear about the ministry in between
  • Meet the men and women living at the three residences
  • Learn about the new bread-making enterprise
  • Enjoy fun treats and snacks available throughout the event
  • Make it a date, or bring the kids
  • Raffle and other activities

Individual adult tickets

$50 each

each adult will receive a packet of bingo cards and marker

kiddos are free

Sponsor a table and invite your own guests


6 seats to fill (inclusive of yourself)

each person will receive a packet of bingo cards and marker

If you RSVP yes, please expect an email confirming receipt of your response within 3 days.

Bingo Spring Fundraiser RSVP

Is there anything else you’d like us to know? 

examples: you have a question, there are friends of yours with their own tickets with whom you’d like to be seated, you represent a church or non-profit, you will require special considerations at the event, etc.